Search For canada In Quotes 46

The cool thing about being famous is traveling. I have always wanted to travel across seas like to Canada and stuff.

Canada's a huge country so to be able to unite the country through communication satellite technology or to be able to observe it through remote sensing technology from space is a natural fit for a country like Canada.

Al Gore the former vice-president of the United States lives in a mansion that uses more electricity than the average family's bungalow! David Suzuki rides on a bus that uses more fuel than a Smart car to get across Canada! Oh my God! And this is just the tip of the vanishing iceberg!

Canada's the best country in the world.

I'm from Canada and New Zealand feels like you took all the best bits of Canada and squished them onto a tiny island like Hawaii. I was absolutely blown away by the beauty of the South Island.

Canada has a passive-aggressive culture with a lot of sarcasm and righteousness. That went with my weird messianic complex. The ego is a fascinating monster. I was taught from a young age that I had to serve so that turned into me thinking I had to save the planet.