Search For cable In Quotes 52

There are two kinds of designers: ones who are very happy locked in their office surrounded by their coterie. The last thing they need to do is to go to a trunk show they'd go running for the hills. I not only enjoy it I think how do you design things that are applicable to life - unless you live it?

Let it be your constant method to look into the design of people's actions and see what they would be at as often as it is practicable and to make this custom the more significant practice it first upon yourself.

Everything tends to make us believe that there exists a certain point of the mind at which life and death the real and the imagined past and future the communicable and the incommunicable high and low cease to be perceived as contradictions.

A father and two sons run Adelphia. It's a cable company. And they took from that company a billion dollars. A billion. Three people - three people took a billion dollars. What were they gonna do start their own space program? 'Let's send the monkey to Mars Dad!'

The qualities of an exceptional cook are akin to those of a successful tightrope walker: an abiding passion for the task courage to go out on a limb and an impeccable sense of balance.

John D. Rockefeller wanted to dominate oil but Microsoft wants it all you name it: cable media banking car dealerships.

We've got to lift our game tremendously. We'll sell our business news and information in print we'll sell it to anyone who's got a cable system and we'll sell it on the Web.

We were probably the last people in the country to get a VCR and we didn't have cable. There wasn't any admiration of glamour no 'I want to look like them or have that lifestyle' because everyone in my town had the same lifestyle. So I didn't think 'Ooh a movie star's birthday!' I just thought 'What?'

I think for business reasons fiscal reasons I think these cable networks can take greater risks and I think with a risk comes better programming. And I think USA has got an amazing identity to it now that is clearly defined with its 'Characters welcome' tag.

Listen a cable series is a beautiful thing because there's such amazing writing happening on television and it's a schedule that allows you to do a play or two. There's a reason everybody wants that job!