Search For broad In Quotes 201

I had fun pretending to be a sportscaster. People always think that was a down thing for me. I had the best job in sports broadcasting for two years.

Most of Roosevelt's innovations have been the law of the land for 70 years now and yet we are still a free society free enough that is to allow tens of thousands of protesters to gather on the National Mall and to broadcast their slogans and speeches to the world via C-SPAN.

Science goes from question to question big questions and little tentative answers. The questions as they age grow ever broader the answers are seen to be more limited.

I think the thing's that perhaps sad really is that younger people haven't come in and I think it must have been absolutely fantastic to have worked in the 50's when you had all of the great Broadway composers and when West Side Story didn't win the Tony Award.

The government would be able to go to court with respect to newspaper articles broadcast pieces and the like that they thought were bad or harmful or even against the government and try to block them.

In some ways England is more liberal than France but I also find it more intrusive. But when you go abroad you have to accept the ways of where you live. I have to respect that.

There is only one thing I respect in so-called Broadway actors... and that is their competitive sense.

The Christian religion though scattered and abroad will in the end gather itself together at the foot of the cross.

There are tens of thousands of interactions every single day across Afghanistan between the Afghan troops and International Security Assistance Force. On most of those every single day we continue to deepen and broaden the relationship we seek.

India is a global power and an important partner with whom we are building an intense broad and enduring relationship.