It seems like the studios are either making giant blockbusters or really super-small indies. And the mid-level films I grew up on like 'Back to the Future' and all those John Hughes movies the studios aren't doing. It's hard to get them on their feet.
The four building blocks of the universe are fire water gravel and vinyl.
Governments that block the aspirations of their people that steal or are corrupt that oppress and torture or that deny freedom of expression and human rights should bear in mind that they will find it increasingly hard to escape the judgement of their own people or where warranted the reach of international law.
Many people in the world today are not starving because there is an inherent inability to produce food they are starving because they are caught in the middle of political fights and blockades that have been used as weapons.
When I'm writing my neural pathways get blocked. I can't read. I can barely hold a conversation without forgetting words and names. I wish I could wear the same clothes and eat the same food each day.
Woe to us if we get our satisfaction from the food in the kitchen and the TV in the den and the sex in the bedroom with an occasional tribute to the cement blocks in the basement!
It's easy to be lazy when there's food lying around backstage or there's a fast-food joint a couple blocks away. But if you walk a little further ask around a bit of course there are exciting things to discover.
Agriculture is now a motorized food industry the same thing in its essence as the production of corpses in the gas chambers and the extermination camps the same thing as blockades and the reduction of countries to famine the same thing as the manufacture of hydrogen bombs.
In the Europe which was created by the Second World War divided into two blocks each in need of a revolution that would end the abuses and injustices of capitalism and the privileges of a bureaucratic caste collective faith does not exist.
The failure of women to produce genius of the first rank in most of the supreme forms of human effort has been used to block the way of all women of talent and ambition for intellectual achievement.