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It vexes me when they would constrain science by the authority of the Scriptures and yet do not consider themselves bound to answer reason and experiment.

In a sad twist of fate the bill to reauthorize the Patriot Act was debated on the floor of the House of Representatives the same day that terrorists struck again.

Out of respect to writers you have to read the book in the way in which the author visualised it going out into the world.

We show deference to the civil authorities when they respect the divine origin of their power and when they serve the people with objective reference to the law of God.

I believe that like most writers my personality comes through in the fiction. So in that respect my writing can't be like any other author's really.

I undertake that in the exercise of my functions of that office I will have regard to any guidance with respect to ethical standards issued by the secretary of state under Section 66 of the Greater London Authority Act 1999.

Where the people possess no authority their rights obtain no respect.

We are not directly involved in Syria. But we will be working with our partners in the European Union and at the United Nations to see if we can persuade the Syrian authorities to go as I say more in that direction of respect for democracy and human rights.

I grew up to always respect authority and respect those in charge.

I have said with respect to authorization bills that I do not want the Congress or the country to commit fiscal suicide on the installment plan.