Search For aside In Quotes 52

What is more comforting to the terrorists around the world: the failure to pass the 9/11 legislation because we lacked 'a majority of the majority ' or putting aside partisan politics to enact tough new legislation with America's security foremost in mind?

Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust.

If you were to ask my agent they would confirm this: I'm drawn to locations. What really drew me to 'The 4400 ' aside from the fact that it was sci-fi was the fact that it was shot in the city of my dreams: Vancouver.

Even at our birth death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh.

The world will step aside for nearly anyone who has the courage of his of her opinions.

Aside from my work in my everyday private life I'm not a very adventureous person. I don't look for change.

I'm a typical middle child. I'm the mediator. The one that makes everything OK puts their own needs aside to make sure everybody's happy. It's hard to change your nature even with years and years of therapy.

I have laid aside business and gone a'fishing.

Amidst all the clutter beyond all the obstacles aside from all the static are the goals set. Put your head down do the best job possible let the flak pass and work towards those goals.

I've always said that an art critic can put aside politics around art.

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When you look good you feel good. Confidence with what you're wearing is very important. If you feel good you will always perform your best without worrying about anything.