Search For appearance In Quotes 66

A garden is a complex of aesthetic and plastic intentions and the plant is to a landscape artist not only a plant - rare unusual ordinary or doomed to disappearance - but it is also a color a shape a volume or an arabesque in itself.

I've dated some women who have turned me on to some funny things that are strange for men to actually do but these things have become part of my process. I think the things I do for my appearance help make me look better. I even colour my hair because I like how it makes me look.

I was making my living from a joke about my appearance that I didn't understand and in a way still don't because when I look in a mirror it doesn't seem funny to me.

It is more interesting to be compared to someone famous because it lets you gauge what perceptions people have about your appearance.

Fundamentalists are panicked by the apparent disintegration of the family the disappearance of certainty and the decay of morality. Fear leads them to ask if we cannot trust the Bible what can we trust?

Sin brought death and death will disappear with the disappearance of sin.

Appearance is something you should definitely consider when you're going out. Have your girlfriend clip your nails or something like that.

I do think sometimes there's danger in guest appearance mania. I've seen too many examples that sound cool on paper like 'Oh get that guy to sing the hook on that guy's song ' and then that's all it is. It's a cool idea that sounds good on paper.

We are all born with a unique genetic blueprint which lays out the basic characteristics of our personality as well as our physical health and appearance... And yet we all know that life experiences do change us.

To me eyewear goes way beyond being a prescription. It's like makeup. It's the most incredible accessory. The shape of a frame or the color of lenses can change your whole appearance.