Search For appeal In Quotes 92

I sought Ben Affleck because I needed an everyman for this role. Ben appeals to men and women. He gives you a sense of intelligence the notion of a guy who can think on his feet.

The private citizen beset by partisan appeals for the loan of his Public Opinion will soon see perhaps that these appeals are not a compliment to his intelligence but an imposition on his good nature and an insult to his sense of evidence.

Anyone who conducts an argument by appealing to authority is not using his intelligence he is just using his memory.

I like something where I can really use my imagination and be an active participant in the construction of the monster and usually that's in the world of the supernatural or the world of the fantastic so that's why those kinds of stories about demons and the supernatural appeal to me or maybe I'm really interested in that subject.

Appealing workplaces are to be avoided. One wants a room with no view so imagination can meet memory in the dark.

The woman who appeals to a man's vanity may stimulate him the woman who appeals to his heart may attract him but it is the woman who appeals to his imagination who gets him.

I certainly didn't say while writing 'Gossip Girl ' 'Oh this is going to be big!' It was really like 'Oh god everyone's gong to hate these people! They're so bratty!' But I actually think what is so appealing about them is the humor in them.

He has such a patronizing tone and manner and such a sarcastic sense of humor. I found him rather brutal a kind of elegant brutality which appealed. No I think he came pretty much off the page.

The comics that are just conversing with you up there and drawing on their own life yeah I guess so. I guess some do political humor some do topical humor but the ones that I like the ones that are appealing to me were guys who were just talking to you about their life.

I have often said that I wish I had invented blue jeans: the most spectacular the most practical the most relaxed and nonchalant. They have expression modesty sex appeal simplicity - all I hope for in my clothes.

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Everything that's bad for you catches on too quickly in America because that's the easiest thing to get people to invest in the pursuits that are easy and destructive the ones that bring out the least positive aspects of people.