Search For adults In Quotes 49

My dad's passion was to teach adults to read so they could read to their kids.

If you set as your goal to roll back the size of government you have an obligation to answer the tough questions and show real courage not just appeal to ideology. Treat the voters like adults.

My niece was very much caught up in the vampire craze for young adults and she thought having a vampire boyfriend would be a cool thing. What do you do on a first date? The more I thought about it the more fun I had imagining what you'd serve a vampire for dinner.

I'm carded for R-rated movies. And I get talked down to a lot. When I try to go rent a car or buy an airplane ticket or other stuff adults do I get 'Okaaaaaay honey.' I remember when I was 18 getting crayons in a restaurant.

Kids are brought into show business because they are cute and see truth and they're very bright. But there's a sense of doing it because you want the adults to be approving of you. You want to make them happy.

Part of the reason for the ugliness of adults in a child's eyes is that the child is usually looking upwards and few faces are at their best when seen from below.

We have magnificent brains but we use a great deal of our brilliance to keep ourselves stuck and ignorant to keep ourselves from not shining. We are so afraid of our beauty and radiance and brilliance because it scared the adults around us when we were children.

I made some friends at Listerine and they taught me a little bit about oral care. That half of adults suffer from oral disease that the number one chronic disease among children is oral disease that we're only taking care of 25% of our mouths when brushing alone and there are more germs in your mouth than there are people on the planet.

Why should society feel responsible only for the education of children and not for the education of all adults of every age?