I found my niche as a character actor and I've never felt like a movie star or teen idol and never wanted to.
But when I was a teenager the idea of spending the rest of my life in a factory was real depressing. So the idea that I could become a musician opened up some possibilities I didn't see otherwise.
Technology has changed the fan/actor interaction quite a bit.
As sophisticated as the technology gets the less sophisticated you have to become as an actor.
Performance capture is a technology not a genre it's just another way of recording an actor's performance.
For the blue-collar worker the driving force behind change was factory automation using programmable machine tools. For the office worker it's office automation using computer technology: enterprise-resource-planning systems groupware intranets extranets expert systems the Web and e-commerce.
In the industrial revolution Britain led the world in advances that enabled mass production: trade exchanges transportation factory technology and new skills needed for the new industrialised world.
Quite honestly I never had a desire to be an actor. I tell people I did not choose acting acting chose me. I never grew up wanting to be an actor. I wanted to play football. In about 9th grade an English teacher told me I had a talent to act. He said I should audition for a performing arts high school so I did on a whim. I got accepted.
My mother was an actress and my voice teacher an incredible voice teacher. My biological father is an actor and my stepfather who raised me along with my mother is a psychotherapist. I was always supported in creative ventures.
I went whole hog at the actor's lifestyle - really embraced it. I had by then known how much I loved acting already because I discovered acting from a teacher in the seminary - that's the first place I ever did it in the seminary.