Search For govern In Quotes 1413

It is not the constitutional prerogative of the Government to determine needs.

Our government needs to adopt a pro-market agenda that doesn't pick winners and losers but it invites competition and it levels the playing field for everyone.

Common sense tells us that the government's attempts to solve large problems more often create new ones. Common sense also tells us that a top-down one-size-fits-all plan will not improve the workings of a nationwide health-care system that accounts for one-sixth of our economy.

People who relieve others of their money with guns are called robbers. It does not alter the immorality of the act when the income transfer is carried out by government.

This is how psychiatry has functioned-as a kind of property arm of the government who can put you away if your husband doesn't like you.

Look at our Lords disciples. One denied Him one doubted Him one betrayed Him. If our Lord couldn't have perfection how are you going to have it in city government?

My mother's sympathies were strongly with the Union. She knew that war was bound to come but so confident was she in the strength of the Federal Government that she devoutly believed that the struggle could not last longer than six months at the utmost.

I thought I was benefiting the Indians as well as the government by taking them all over the United States and giving them a correct idea of the customs life etc. of the pale faces so that when they returned to their people they could make known all they had seen.

National security is the first duty of government but we are also committed to reversing the substantial erosion of civil liberties.

The lies the government and media tell are amplifications of the lies we tell ourselves. To stop being conned stop conning yourself.

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I broke down while at Oxford was rejected by a record number of medical tribunals during the War and finally got permission to leave Oxford and do civilian work till the War ended.