Search For roman In Quotes 490

Romance and novel paint beauty in colors more charming than nature and describe a happiness that humans never taste. How deceptive and destructive are those pictures of consummate bliss!

Vampires are so old that they don't need to impress anyone anymore. They're comfortable in their own skin. It's this enigmatic strength that's very romantic and old-fashioned. I think it goes back to something of a Victorian attitude of finding a strong man who's going to look after his woman.

It took me twenty years to get Steven Parrino's work. From the time I first saw his art in the mid-eighties I almost always dismissed it as mannered Romantic formulaic conceptualist-formalist heavy-metal boy-art abstraction.

To say the word Romanticism is to say modern art - that is intimacy spirituality color aspiration towards the infinite expressed by every means available to the arts.

It is the addition of strangeness to beauty that constitutes the romantic character in art.

Passion is universal humanity. Without it religion history romance and art would be useless.

After about the first Millennium Italy was the cradle of Romanesque architecture which spread throughout Europe much of it extending the structural daring with minimal visual elaboration.

French architecture always manages to combine the most magnificent underlying themes of architecture like Roman design it looks to the community.

The ancient Romans built their greatest masterpieces of architecture their amphitheaters for wild beasts to fight in.

The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs.

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To be immortal is commonplace except for man all creatures are immortal for they are ignorant of death what is divine terrible incomprehensible is to know that one is immortal.