Search For persona In Quotes 622

There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show especially me without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But I've realized that it's time for me to show my audience that you don't have to be perfect to achieve your dreams.

There are a lot of things that are personally uncomfortable to show especially me without makeup and completely bloated or crying. But I've realized that it's time for me to show my audience that you don't have to be perfect to achieve your dreams. Because nobody relates to being perfect.

I go to the gym five days a week and I have a personal trainer. I am on a strict diet which is kind of hard to keep up with on the road but I stick to it as well as I can.

Each of us should take personal responsibility for our diet and our children's diet and the government's role should be to make certain it provides the best information possible to help people stay healthy.

In both business and personal life I've always found that travel inspires me more than anything else I do. Evidence of the languages cultures scenery food and design sensibilities that I discover all over the world can be found in every piece of my jewelry.

I like the personality of the Belgians. They're deeply eccentric which is something that comes across in their design - terrific.

An image is not simply a trademark a design a slogan or an easily remembered picture. It is a studiously crafted personality profile of an individual institution corporation product or service.

I think it's really important to design things with a kind of personality.

It is only after years of preparation that the young artist should touch color - not color used descriptively that is but as a means of personal expression.

If you wish to make a man look noble your best course is to kill him. What superiority he may have inherited from his race what superiority nature may have personally gifted him with comes out in death.