Search For tryin In Quotes 628

I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict every experience and learn from it. Life is never dull.

Jackie Robinson as an athlete and as someone who was trying to make a stand for equality he was exemplary.

We're not trying to reinvent the wheel for any environmental organization to claim sole responsibility for any kind of victory is insane because everybody attacks these problems as a group.

I went to drama school for four years at Carnegie Mellon conservatory training before television comedy. I was doing Shakespeare and Chekov plays. It's about delivering on the promise of a $100 000 education and taking the shackles off and trying the hand at my craft. I'm thrilled with what I've seen so far.

Today there are people trying to take away rights that our mothers grandmothers and great-grandmothers fought for: our right to vote our right to choose affordable quality education equal pay access to health care. We the people can't let that happen.

I worry whether it's not really the best way to live one's life - trying to fulfill the dreams you had as a child. Maybe it's quite a backwards approach.

I was so lucky to have parents who supported me 100% with whatever I was doing both financially and emotionally. Having that they made my life so much easier. Instead of becoming a bartender and trying to survive while trying to pursue your dreams I didn't have to worry about that aspect. I could just pursue my dreams.

Just really really believe in what you're trying to do. Don't let people alter that. Let people advise you and lead you down paths to make smart business decisions. But trust your instinct and trust that overwhelming drive that made you put all your dreams and everything on the line.

College baseball I love it. I love to work with the younger kids who are trying to live out their dreams if in fact that's what they plan on doing after college to take the next step.

I love to work with the younger kids who are trying to live out their dreams if in fact that's what they plan on doing after college to take the next step. A very select few have that opportunity so when you do have the opportunity you know those guys take advantage of it.

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I would like to be remembered as a man who had a wonderful time living life a man who had good friends fine family - and I don't think I could ask for anything more than that actually.