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We are increasingly likely to find ourselves in places with background music. No composers have thought to write for these modern spaces which represent 30% of our musical experience.

Bitter experience has taught us how fundamental our values are and how great the mission they represent.

For 25 years it has been my privilege to represent the city of San Francisco and the great state of California to work to strengthen our vibrant middle class to secure opportunity and equality.

If we were to select the most intelligent imaginative energetic and emotionally stable third of mankind all races would be present.

It was clear to me that the forms of consciousness of our inherited and acquired historical education - aesthetic consciousness and historical consciousness - presented alienated forms of our true historical being.

They basically said that if I didn't show up for school they'd mark me present they wouldn't send the truant officer after me. At 16 I enrolled in something called continuing education. Once a month I'd go out to Jamaica but I didn't take it seriously.

The present structure of rewards in high schools produces a response on the part of an adolescent social system which effectively impedes the process of education.

If the Liberals' law is passed will sex education in the schools including elementary grades include the same portrayals of sexual activity which presently exist in heterosexual instruction? Will there be the same presentation of homosexual activity? Of course there will.

Growing up I was encouraged to get a good education get a real job doing something I enjoyed and should the opportunity present itself consider public service as just that: a chance to serve not an end in itself.

Education in the light of present-day knowledge and need calls for some spirited and creative innovations both in the substance and the purpose of current pedagogy.