No one can live entirely on their own nor can any country or society exist in isolation.
These groups within a society can he distinguished according as to whether like an army or an orchestra they function as a single body or whether they are united merely to defend their common interests and otherwise function as separate individuals.
At the same we need to remain sensitive to the reality that we are still an African society in which the majority of the people and communities live under severe deprivations and afflictions that are no fault of theirs.
Ideology... is indispensable in any society if men are to be formed transformed and equipped to respond to the demands of their conditions of existence.
Most of Roosevelt's innovations have been the law of the land for 70 years now and yet we are still a free society free enough that is to allow tens of thousands of protesters to gather on the National Mall and to broadcast their slogans and speeches to the world via C-SPAN.
A free society will abide unofficial private discrimination even when that means allowing hate-filled groups to exclude people based on the color of their skin.
Society cannot continue to disable themselves through their need to categorize people or make assumptions as to another individual's abilities.
But if you say that we should not educate children who have come into our state for no other reason than they've been brought there by no fault of their own I don't think you have a heart. We need to be educating these children because they will become a drag on our society.
Companies to date have often used the excuse that they are only beholden to their shareholders but we need shareholders to think of themselves as stakeholders in the well being of society as well.
Corporate executives need to re-frame their responsibilities to include the interests of all the stakeholders in society at large not just shareholders but also employees the citizens of our communities and those who care about the environment.