As a kid all I thought about was death. But you can't tell your parents that.
Your body must become familiar with its death - in all its possible forms and degrees - as a self-evident imminent and emotionally neutral step on the way towards the goal you have found worthy of your life.
I'm scared to death of being poor. It's like a fat girl who loses 500 pounds but is always fat inside. I grew up poor and will always feel poor inside. It's my pet paranoia.
The earth is rocky and full of roots it's clay and it seems doomed and polluted but you dig little holes for the ugly shriveled bulbs throw in a handful of poppy seeds and cover it all over and you know you'll never see it again - it's death and clay and shrivel and your hands are nicked from the rocks your nails black with soil.
You don't have people chanting 'Death to America' in Israel.
The death of Pope John Paul II led many of different faiths and of no faith to acknowledge their debt to the Roman Catholic Church for holding on to absolutes that the rest of us can measure ourselves against.
Life is doubt and faith without doubt is nothing but death.
I don't think kids have a problem with death. It's us older ones who are nearer to it that start being frightened.
Death is not more certainly a separation of our souls from our bodies than the Christian life is a separation of our souls from worldly tempers vain indulgences and unnecessary cares.
The meaning of life is not to be discovered only after death in some hidden mysterious realm on the contrary it can be found by eating the succulent fruit of the Tree of Life and by living in the here and now as fully and creatively as we can.