Search For sports In Quotes 599

I'm not good at anything except writing jokes. I wasn't good at sports I wasn't good at anything artsy ever. I think there was a real worry for a while about what I would be good at. I was just this chubby little Indian kid who looked like a nerd.

Americans' addiction to sports with the NFL at the top is based on the excitement generated by the potential for the unexpected great play which can only happen with honest competition from great athletes.

Don't sell yourself short because without that you can't go far in life because after sports the only thing you know is sports and you can't do anything else with that.

Sports is like a war without the killing.

Sports is the toy department of human life.

Funding for sports (and the arts) are often the first things facing the chop in difficult times.

I am very slow to warm. I've always been sort of a loner. I didn't play team sports. I am better one-on-one than in big groups.

That's the biggest gap in sports the difference between the winner and the loser of the Super Bowl.

There's a whole lot more to the African-American community than entertainment and sports.

I always tell people that our sports aren't that dangerous.

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When I speak of the beauty of a game of chess then naturally this is subjective. Beauty can be found in a very technical mathematical game for example. That is the beauty of clarity.