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In a daydream sort of way I think it would be pretty cool to direct a movie. But I have been on movie and TV sets and know it is hard work. I like directing it in my mind. It is easier.

What's weird is that I work with these directors and then I start channeling them. I kind of turn into them a bit - which is cool when you're working with Clint Eastwood.

I've had fans come and knock on my door. I'm usually polite but I'm usually very direct and say 'It's not cool that you come here uninvited.'

You have riches and freedom here but I feel no sense of faith or direction. You have so many computers why don't you use them in the search for love?

There is a real danger that computers will develop intelligence and take over. We urgently need to develop direct connections to the brain so that computers can add to human intelligence rather than be in opposition.

What I try to do is factor in how people use computers what people's problems are and how these technologies can get applied to those problems. Then I try to direct the various product groups to act on this information.

In 1984 I turned to theater in the hopes of finding a more direct form of communication between me and my people.

I work on OpenBSD fulltime as the project leader. I set some directions increase communication between the developers and try to be involved in nearly every aspect of the base system.

But picketing - picketing for or against something and handing out literature - these are conspicuously formal actions. They have to be understood as indirect communication.

The first work of the director is to set a mood so that the actor's work can take place so that the actor can create. And in order to do that you have to communicate communicate with the actors. And direction is about communication on all levels.