Search For depend In Quotes 515

I'm trying to mix the cool independent stuff with the big stuff but it's been difficult finding the right roles. It's been an interesting ride as far as my career pendulum is concerned.

Our lives sometimes depend on computers performing as predicted.

I wouldn't know how to find eBay on the computer if my life depended on it.

Just as characteristic perhaps is the intellectual interdependence created through the development of the modern media of communication: post telegraph telephone and popular press.

There is a world of communication which is not dependent on words.

I don't understand why people whose entire lives or their corporate success depends on communication and yet they are led on occasion by CEOs who cannot talk their way out of a paper bag and don't care to.

The thing I've come to learn is that what's great about small independent films is the intimacy and the communication that occurs when you're making them.

Many a revolution started with the actions of a few. Only 56 men signed the Declaration of Independence. A few hanging together can lead a nation to change.

We have the character of an island nation: independent forthright passionate in defence of our sovereignty. We can no more change this British sensibility than we can drain the English Channel. And because of this sensibility we come to the European Union with a frame of mind that is more practical than emotional.

The whole course of human history may depend on a change of heart in one solitary and even humble individual - for it is in the solitary mind and soul of the individual that the battle between good and evil is waged and ultimately won or lost.