Search For sometime In Quotes 708

I am odd-looking. I sometimes think I look like a funny Muppet.

I'm odd looking. Sometimes I think I look like a funny muppet.

Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint.

If you're going through friendship issues I would say first of all take a step back. How important is the friendship to you? Sometimes if someone's not being a good friend to you and isn't treating you the way you should be treated then you kind of have to move on sometimes.

Friendship always benefits love sometimes injures.

I think in friendship you want to be there for your friend and sometimes you just don't know what to do or the relationship you have with them is not clear enough for you to know what to do.

It may happen sometimes that a long debate becomes the cause of a longer friendship. Commonly those who dispute with one another at last agree.

The men and women who serve in our military have won for us every hour we live in freedom sometimes at the expense of the very hours of the lifetimes they had hoped to live.

Time misspent in youth is sometimes all the freedom one ever has.

So the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund is out there preserving and fighting for and sometimes winning and sometimes losing the fight for First Amendment rights in comics and more generally for freedom of speech.