Search For quest In Quotes 503

People recognize me call me Ron and ask me questions. It's really cool and weird as well.

I really wanted to do something positive on the Internet. I wanted to try to get young people talking about thinking about life's big questions-make it cool and OK to wonder about the heart the soul and free will and God and death and big topics like that big human topics.

The big question society will have to answer is whether it wants computers thinking like humans.

The question of whether a computer can think is no more interesting than the question of whether a submarine can swim.

Art must unquestionably have a social value that is as a potential means of communication it must be addressed and in comprehensible terms to the understanding of mankind.

The eventual place the American army should take on the western front was to a large extent influenced by the vital question of communication and supply.

I'm glad you asked that question because of any musical situation I've been in the communication feels great here with Russell. He really pays close attention to what I'm doing because he cares.

That said the question remains: how to strike the balance between free speech and mutual respect in this mixed-up world both blessed and cursed with instant communication? We should not fight fire with fire threats with threats.

Is there any wonder why we are in such big trouble? Any question why the people don't trust their government anymore and demand a change?

I know how bad Albany is. I know it better than most. I understand why people are angry. I'm angry. The question is going to be how do you change Albany what is the plan for change and then how do you actually get it done?