When you Google me you'll find a lot of people don't like Richard Dreyfuss. Because I'm cocky and I present a cocky attitude. But no one has ever disagreed with the notion I represent that we need more civic education. So far there's 100 percent support for that.
The best way to inspire people to superior performance is to convince them by everything you do and by your everyday attitude that you are wholeheartedly supporting them.
Liberalism is an attitude rather than a set of dogmas - an attitude that insists upon questioning all plausible and self-evident propositions seeking not to reject them but to find out what evidence there is to support them rather than their possible alternatives.
It's a fundamental social attitude that the 1% supports symphonies and operas and doesn't support Johnny learning to program hip-hop beats. When I put it like that it sounds like 'Well yeah ' but you start to think 'Why not though?' What makes one more valuable than another?
The downfall of the industry seems to actually be good for art. I think the industry will find their way once the focus shifts from its greed-based origins downsizes and begins to support creative visions that speak to our times and shifting ideals.
I love art dealers. In some ways they're my favorite people in the art world. Really. I love that they put their money where their taste is create their own aesthetic universes support artists employ people and do all of this while letting us see art for free. Many are visionaries.
The Romans were not inventors of the supporting arch but its extended use in vaults and intersecting barrel shapes and domes is theirs.
Those who look for the laws of Nature as a support for their new works collaborate with the creator.
Insurgents have capitalized on popular resentment and anger towards the United States and the Iraqi government to build their own political financial and military support and the faith of Iraqi citizens in their new government has been severely undermined.
I have the most amazing support network around me.