Search For sometime In Quotes 708

Sometimes we have to actually say I think you're really funny but none of your jokes are going to make it on the air. So just answer my questions. Seriously.

Sometimes laughing isn't the best judge of what's funny 'cause I think there's a lot of things that are really funny that don't make you laugh that don't make you physically audibly make a noise but is something that is much more powerful than that.

Sometimes you have to take the focus off of you and put it on someone else and it's funny what you can accomplish and how much strength you really have.

Sometimes in the most tragic situation something just profoundly funny happens.

With Portlandia I don't think our intention is always to find something funny. Sometimes the humor comes from taking something really seriously. We're okay with making somebody feel uncomfortable or uneasy.

When I was in college I was in the theater department which for anyone who has been involved in any kind of theater program you know that it's really wacky and tight-knit a real family. Me and my good friends from college would do random shows and plays that were sometimes serious but most of the time really goofy and funny.

Sometimes I am so dry that people don't know I'm kidding and think I'm being serious. I enjoy this because their reactions are often funny.

It's funny because I sometimes feel that I'm most creative when I'm pregnant.

I think sometimes my humor is extremely dry and a lot of times I would say things that I thought were very funny but... I have a reputation of - people think of me as a very fundamentalist humorless fellow.

Sometimes comics will make the observation that it's not jokes that are funny it's characters that are funny. And isn't that true! That's why I always kill jokes. I'm terrible at them because I get the joke right but I can't get the character right and it just goes down like a lead balloon.