Search For expect In Quotes 419

Almost all of your life is lived by the seat of your pants one unexpected event crashing into another with no pattern or reason and then you finally reach a point around my age where you spend more time than ever looking back. Why did this happen? Look where that led? You see the shape of things.

My habit would have been to veer towards the dark - to prove I was something edgy or maybe to prove that I was cognisant of the dark side. Now with age and confidence I can say yeah that's true but I am cognisant of the fact that people can do things well. And can be more loving than you expect.

You never choose the way that you're raised it's just the way that you were raised but you do get to a certain age where you're in a position to question the expectations of you and the way that you've been formed by your surroundings.

High expectations weren't nurtured in my neck of nowhere back then - children weren't fawned over from an early age as 'gifted' and groomed for a prizewinning future self-esteem was considered something you had to pick from the garden yourself.

Life expectancy in many parts of Africa can be something around the age of thirty five to thirty eight. I mean you're very fortunate if you live to that age. In fact when I went to Uganda for the first time one of the things that occurred to me was that I saw very few elderly people.

Non-disclosure in the Internet Age is quickly perceived as a breach of trust. Government corporations and each of us as individuals must recalibrate how we live and share our lives appropriate to the information now available and the expectations of others.

Old age is the most unexpected of all things that happen to a man.

Nobody expects to trust his body overmuch after the age of fifty.

Old age is the most unexpected of all the things that can happen to a man.