We are a Nation of peace and compassion yet these people have and will devote every fiber of their beings to the destruction of Americans and our Country.
Too often in the past U.S. leaders have forced Israel to pay the price for American strategic interests in the Middle East - through concessions in the peace process as well as passivity in the face of Iraqi attacks.
But now Americans they felt a sense of peace and protection because they've been separated by so many thousands of miles of ocean. And you know the fact that it's come to the U.S. like this is so sad and yet you know what can you do? It's here.
With the help of dedicated Americans from our party every party and no party at all I intend to mount that stairway to preach peace for our nation and world.
But the deep desire for peace remained with the American people.
In addition to serving overseas the Peace Corps' Crisis Corps Volunteers have helped their fellow Americans.
Certainly protecting oppressed people stopping ethnic conflict and promoting responsible governance are worthy goals. But none is as important for American security and prosperity as keeping the peace in the Middle East Europe and East Asia.
Americans will listen but they do not care to read. War and Peace must wait for the leisure of retirement which never really comes: meanwhile it helps to furnish the living room.
There has not been a war in South America for fifty years and I have every confidence that the countries of Central and South America are deeply in earnest in the maintenance of peace.
I created the Women's Federation for World Peace in order to restore all that woman originally lost. You American women don't need a man in the position of grandfather parents husband elder or younger brother. You only need the true Adam.