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I've learned that football sometimes was an outlet. It was a way for me to release anger release frustration.

I think I'm basically the same guy I always was. Maybe I've learned through experience to rein in some of the anger and temper they say redheads normally have.

I mean it's amazing that I get to meet all these people. I've learned so much from all of them. I just worked with Sofia Coppola and that was amazing. I learned so much from her. I can't even describe how much fun I had.

Working on such a big film was amazing. I learned a lot. There weren't too many stunts just some doubling.

Good acting is good acting however you learn it. Some people who haven't studied are amazing. Some people like Leonardo DiCaprio are naturally gifted - he's learned technique by working with people early on.

At 13 when I was a runaway I was taken in by the most amazing drag queens in Portland Ore. We didn't always know where our next meal was coming from but there was so much camaraderie and love. Not to mention those girls could paint a face and I learned how because of them.

It was really fun being in Tara's trailer working on my lines. Tara is such an amazing actress. She's so good at what she does. I learned a lot from watching her.

I'd like to share my experiences and the lessons I've learned and hopefully create some amazing fun courses.

I'm fortunate that I've been in this business long enough that I've earned the right to be left alone by my record company.

As the only girl growing up among three brothers I was always afraid of being excluded. If there was a game to be played a sport to be learned a competition to join I was on my feet and ready. I didn't spend much time alone for fear that I'd miss out.