Search For rough In Quotes 1696

I believe that in the end the abolition of war the maintenance of world peace the adjustment of international questions by pacific means will come through the force of public opinion which controls nations and peoples.

The peace movement is a great force for peace. Some of the world's most quarrelsome people act out their aggressions through the peace movement.

As for the promotion of peace congresses we have had our meetings and assemblies but the promotion through them of the determined and effective will to peace displaying itself in action and policy remains to be achieved.

Each one of these treaties is a step for the maintenance of peace an additional guarantee against war. It is through such machinery that the disputes between nations will be settled and war prevented.

The World Trade Center is a living symbol of man's dedication to world peace... a representation of man's belief in humanity his need for individual dignity his beliefs in the cooperation of men and through cooperation his ability to find greatness.

But while we all pray for peace we do not always as free citizens support the policies that make for peace or reject those which do not. We want our own kind of peace brought about in our own way.

Now for my own case I bless the Lord that for all that hath been said of me my conscience doth not condemn me. I do not say I am free of sin but I am at peace with God through a slain Mediator and I believe that there is no salvation but only in Christ.

My heritage has been my grounding and it has brought me peace.

For hundreds of millions of Americans who believe in God prayer is our bridge between Earth and Heaven our way of opening our hearts to the Lord. Through this intimate relationship we find peace and guidance.

I challenge anybody to say that I wouldn't know how to approach foreign policy because unlike some of the other people I at least have a foreign policy philosophy which is an extension of the Reagan philosophy. Peace through strength and my philosophy is peace through strength and clarity.

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The Homeland Security department doesn't have tasking authority in the intelligence community. They can ask for stuff but they can't direct anything except inside their bureau.