Search For roman In Quotes 490

Men always want to be a woman's first love - women like to be a man's last romance.

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

The legal principle placing the burden of proof on accusers rather than the accused can be traced back to Second and Third Century Roman jurist Julius Paulus Prudentissimus. Yet this ancient concept which forms the legal and moral cornerstone of the American judicial system is quickly being undermined in the name of 'national security.'

I'd love to do a romantic comedy. And perhaps if the character was right and I had a good gut instinct a Bollywood movie. And I'd love to direct. One day. I'm learning a lot on the set of 'The Good Wife.'

My mom had this romantic notion of her children playing classical music. The idea is you learn it when you're still learning language. It's using the same part of the brain.

Hitherto I have courted Truth with a kind of Romantick Passion in spite of all Difficulties and Discouragements: for knowledge is thought so unnecessary an Accomplishment for a Woman that few will give themselves the Trouble to assist us in the Attainment of it.

We have today a fairly thorough knowledge of the early Greco-Roman period because our motivations are the same.

When I was on my own in a hotel room in Romania I had the imagination to keep myself occupied.

People who know me they know I have a sense of humor I'm a bit of a joker a bit of a clown really and I would love someone to exploit that side of me and send me a romantic comedy.

I hope that I would be considered romantic. I don't know... one of my favorite movies is 'The Notebook' so I guess that would be considered romantic. But I think being romantic is more than the flowers and the gifts. It's about connecting with the person and being able to talk and share things with her.

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Women can go on marrying and pretending that their boyfriends and husbands are Mr. Darcy or some RomCom dream man. But where's that going to get 'em? Besides divorce court?