Search For dream In Quotes 1133

Let your dreams outgrow the shoes of your expectations.

Just really really believe in what you're trying to do. Don't let people alter that. Let people advise you and lead you down paths to make smart business decisions. But trust your instinct and trust that overwhelming drive that made you put all your dreams and everything on the line.

There has been enough suffering in our country there has been enough of children whose dreams die before they have a chance to grow and there has been enough of our elders who having served their nation are forced into indignity in their old age.

If you were to ask my agent they would confirm this: I'm drawn to locations. What really drew me to 'The 4400 ' aside from the fact that it was sci-fi was the fact that it was shot in the city of my dreams: Vancouver.

Here Fashion is a despot and no one dreams of evading its dictates.

When you stop having dreams and ideals - well you might as well stop altogether.

The only book by a modern president that bears serious comparison with Obama's 'Dreams From My Father' is Jimmy Carter's short campaign autobiography 'Why Not the Best? ' published in 1975.

'Dreams From My Father' reveals more about Obama than is usually known about political leaders until after they're dead. Perhaps more than it intends it shows his mind working in real time sentence by sentence in what feels like a private audience with the reader.

Thanking you once more I want to wish you the best of luck for your future life and to conclude by saying to you: Dream your dreams and may they come true!

He's dreaming with his eyes open and those that dream with their eyes open are dangerous for they do not know when their dreams come to an end.