Every artist writes his own autobiography.
Every creator painfully experiences the chasm between his inner vision and its ultimate expression.
Every good painter paints what he is.
Artists who seek perfection in everything are those who cannot attain it in anything.
Every production of an artist should be the expression of an adventure of his soul.
Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs.
Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.
Every human is an artist. The dream of your life is to make beautiful art.
Personality is everything in art and poetry.
Every artist dips his brush in his own soul and paints his own nature into his pictures.
I'm actually reading 'World War Z' again! It's incredibly realistic and it's written as an oral history through interviews with different characters. Max Brooks wrote this book in so many different voices. There are about forty or so. It's incredible. When I finish 'World War Z' I'm going to go back and start again on the 'Game of Thrones' series.