Search For worry In Quotes 179

The person that's always talkin' you don't have to worry about that person. The person that while you're in his face he's just lookin' at you with a smile on his face that's the guy you worry about.

Except in very narrow cases where there's breakthrough science that needs patent production worrying about competitors is a waste of time. If you can't out iterate someone who is trying to copy you you're toast anyway.

When you are the lead in a romantic comedy you have to worry about people really liking you.

I said 'Brian no one is going to respect me as a mother after this.' He said 'oh no yes they will this is a movie don't worry about it.' But they're not.

We have to unclutter our brains from worries that maybe people don't like us. Women tend to worry about popularity it doesn't matter if they like you. They need to respect you. They need to show that respect for you in your pay check. And that needs to be okay.

There is no need to worry about mere size. We do not necessarily respect a fat man more than a thin man. Sir Isaac Newton was very much smaller than a hippopotamus but we do not on that account value him less.

It is very reasonable to worry about the harm done by organized religion and to prefer looser and more private arrangements.

If you're a Christian you don't sit there and worry about what somebody else is doing if they're happy and they're committed in a relationship.

While the wider global environment is worrying we are seeing some positive results in our economic affairs.

And I'm a pretty positive person - I don't put a lot of energy into worrying and I'm not a person who lives in a great deal of fear.