Search For wherever In Quotes 70

Wherever you write is supposed to be a little bit of a refuge a place where you can get away from the world. The more closed in you are the more you're forced back on your own imagination.

Wherever my story takes me however dark and difficult the theme there is always some hope and redemption not because readers like happy endings but because I am an optimist at heart. I know the sun will rise in the morning that there is a light at the end of every tunnel.

One never reaches home but wherever friendly paths intersect the whole world looks like home for a time.

My father probably thought the capital of the world was wherever he was at the time. It couldn't possibly be anyplace else. Where he and his wife were in their own home that for them was the capital of the world.

I long as does every human being to be at home wherever I find myself.

Never make your home in a place. Make a home for yourself inside your own head. You'll find what you need to furnish it - memory friends you can trust love of learning and other such things. That way it will go with you wherever you journey.

Wherever you go in the history of America there have been Black people making contributions but their contributions have been obscured lost buried.

Happiness is a ball after which we run wherever it rolls and we push it with our feet when it stops.

Nothing brings me more happiness than trying to help the most vulnerable people in society. It is a goal and an essential part of my life - a kind of destiny. Whoever is in distress can call on me. I will come running wherever they are.

Some cause happiness wherever they go others whenever they go.