Search For watched In Quotes 56

I had to act in a school play when I was about ten years old. I really didn't want to do it. But everyone had to do it so I didn't have a choice. A talent agent came and watched it and later gave me some work. It's funny because I'd always known that I wanted a movie career. I just didn't think that I would be in the movies.

The food that enters the mind must be watched as closely as the food that enters the body.

My family went through divorces and remarriages and the later blended home - and then watched that home explode too.

Have you ever watched someone become American? Last week at a national citizenship conference I organize thirty immigrants from 17 countries swore an oath and became citizens of the United States. It was a stirring experience for the hundreds of people in the room.

I need more raw experience. I've read and watched a lot of things but I haven't done a lot of things.

As I watched bookstores close I began to wonder how that felt for the owners. Owning a bookstore was their dream and now they're struggling and seeing those dreams fall apart.

Field of Dreams is the only movie - and I saw it in the theater - on an afternoon when I was on location somewhere and there were like 12 people in the theater. I was just so devastated I couldn't get out of my seat. And I sat and watched it a second time.

The more I read and watched about the meat industry the more determined I became to keep meat out of my diet. The things I saw in slaughterhouse exposes made me feel sick and I refused to just ignore what I now knew.

I'm watching the Weather Channel more than I've ever watched it. I'm scared to death it's going to rain.

People want the right to die at a time of their own choosing. Too many families have watched helplessly as a relative dies slowly longing for death.