Search For washing In Quotes 132

Movies such as 'Mr. Smith Goes to Washington' in 1939 to 'Dave' in 1993 portray Washington leaders as the ultimate Everymen - decent people just like you and me only thrust onto greatness.

In a few days an officer came to our camp under a flag of truce and informed Hamilton then a captain of artillery but afterwards the aid of General Washington that Captain Hale had been arrested within the British lines condemned as a spy and executed that morning.

It's not like I just have to go to Washington and go to the White House everyday and go to the same press conference at 10 in the morning and then be briefed at 4 in the afternoon and then get a story on at 6.

This morning in the Washington Post there was a statistic about how 85% of Americans are Christians.

I was in Washington D.C. on the morning show by the time I was 18 programming a station by 19 No. 1 in the mornings. I think I was making I don't know a quarter of a million dollars by the time I was 25.

The GAO just released a report that said 22 percent of federal programs fail to meet their objectives. The truth is we don't know how taxpayer money is spent in Washington D.C. which is why I think we ought to put every agency budget up on the Internet for everyone to see.

That's the real secret to job creation - not borrowing and spending more money in Washington.

I call crony capitalism where you take money from successful small businesses spend it in Washington on favored industries on favored individuals picking winners and losers in the economy that's not pro-growth economics. That's not entrepreneurial economics. That's not helping small businesses. That's cronyism that's corporate welfare.

I can't remember a time when my mom didn't work. She has forever been on the move: a go-getter. When my brother Adel and I had a paper route as kids my mom would get up before us at the crack of dawn to drop off the Washington Post at different corners.

Washington has got to across the board lower taxes for small businesses so that our mom and pops can reinvest and hire people so that our businesses can thrive.

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This president has been reluctant to hold anybody accountable. No one was held accountable after September the 11th. Nobody's been held accountable after the clear flaws in intelligence leading up to the war in Iraq.