Search For wanting In Quotes 67

I'm still a kid. I'm like six years old. But it's just a matter of wanting to get up it's just a big journey. I felt like when I left home that I was on a journey and I still am.

Of all the species of literary composition perhaps biography is the most delightful. The attention concentrated on one individual gives a unity to the materials of which it is composed which is wanting in general history.

While I gave up God a long time ago I never shook the habit of wanting to believe in something. So I replaced my creed of everlasting life with life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

Success is getting and achieving what you want. Happiness is wanting and being content with what you get.

Happiness isn't getting what you want it's wanting what you got.

Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanting what you get.

I never wanted to become an actress because I'd read great literature or seen great Shakespeare. It was more just wanting to understand what the people were really like why they said all the strange things they did.

You can't win with some people. If you're not in government you're criticised for being not serious. If you are in government you're criticised for wanting power. That's the Labour party's line of attack and it's a bit ridiculous.

I have an older sister named Haley and she wanted to be an actress. So I wanted to be an actress. It's really funny the way that some people don't give kids enough credit for like really being driven and really wanting to do things so badly.

Love and esteem are the first principles of friendship it is always imperfect if either of these two are wanting.