Search For vulnerable In Quotes 41

In the 20 long hungry years between my late teens and late 30s I bought in to virtually every new diet and/or exercise regime that hoved into view particularly at this most vulnerable time for those of us prone to poor body image - a new year.

The Court is most vulnerable and comes nearest to illegitimacy when it deals with judge-made constitutional law having little or no cognizable roots in the language or design of the Constitution.

Death is an absolute mystery. We are all vulnerable to it it's what makes life interesting and suspenseful.

I think I'm extremely vulnerable and that in some ways I seek out rejection. Never feeling like you're getting that pat on the back from dad is probably at the heart of that.

We had no more courage than Harriet Tubman or Marcus Garvey had in their times. We just had a more vulnerable enemy.

As human beings we are vulnerable to confusing the unprecedented with the improbable. In our everyday experience if something has never happened before we are generally safe in assuming it is not going to happen in the future but the exceptions can kill you and climate change is one of those exceptions.

Most urgently women's identity must be premised upon our 'beauty' so that we will remain vulnerable to outside approval carrying the vital sensitive organ of self-esteem exposed to the air.

I have always been very obsessed with time. Time's passage makes us all very vulnerable and because we all experience it in our own way it can make us feel very alone.

I'm vulnerable to criticism. Any artist is because you work alone in your studio and until recently critics were the only way you'd get any feedback.

The best thing I've learned is if you're going out never go out alone - you leave yourself vulnerable. If you've got someone else there you trust they can say be wary of that person. I probably used to be too trusting of people.