Search For voter In Quotes 49

Up against the corporate government voters find themselves asked to choose between look-alike candidates from two parties vying to see who takes the marching orders from their campaign paymasters and their future employers. The money of vested interest nullifies genuine voter choice and trust.

The vote is a trust more delicate than any other for it involves not just the interests of the voter but his life honor and future as well.

The voters are going to decide in November who is going to fix their personal family dismay over not having jobs in America. They are going to pick Mitt Romney.

We have a president who stole the presidency through family ties arrogance and intimidation employing Republican operatives to exercise the tactics of voter fraud by disenfranchising thousands of blacks elderly Jews and other minorities.

Voters must have faith in the electoral process for our democracy to succeed.

It's important to ask candidates about their beliefs in part because politicians frequently exploit religious faith - often with the idea that voters will be more likely to unthinkingly accept certain political positions so long as they arise from religious belief.

'The Purpose-Driven Life' is not just a mega-bestselling work of Christian faith it is the thing that every voter secular or not yearns for.

You can almost see voters nodding their heads at home: The public's faith in politicians and political institutions has been on a steep and dangerous decline for decades because elected leaders fail to deliver.

A whole lot of us believers of all different religions are ready to turn back the tide of madness by walking together in both the dark and the light - in other words through life - registering voters as we go and keeping the faith.

The failure of the White House and Congress to seriously address the nation's fiscal situation is certain to broaden the belief among many voters that the U.S. political system is broken.

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I am trying to make clear through my writing something which I believe: that biography- history in general- can be literature in the deepest and highest sense of that term.