Search For valid In Quotes 49

No valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.

I understand a woman who validates herself by getting attention from the opposite sex. I have a friend who is that to a T... Doesn't mean she isn't a good person. That's a funny character to play.

No work or love will flourish out of guilt fear or hollowness of heart just as no valid plans for the future can be made by those who have no capacity for living now.

I love being famous. It validates that I have something to say.

Schools don't really allow failure and yet it's a valid part of any endeavour not just writing.

When I'm writing I'm constantly thinking about myself because it's the only experience I have to draw on. And I don't see an exact reflection of myself in every face in the audience but I know that my songs have validity to them and that's why the fans are there.

What is truth? Truth doesn't really exist. Who is going to judge whether my experience of an incident is more valid than yours? No one can be trusted to be the judge of that.

I have a theory that the best ads come from personal experience. Some of the good ones I have done have really come out of the real experience of my life and somehow this has come over as true and valid and persuasive.

The only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience.

If merely 'feeling good' could decide drunkenness would be the supremely valid human experience.