Search For unhappy In Quotes 60

You don't seem to realize that a poor person who is unhappy is in a better position than a rich person who is unhappy. Because the poor person has hope. He thinks money would help.

The thing is when I had my first success it did coincide with the end of my first marriage and because I went on to have a very very unhappy two years I don't think I equate career success with personal happiness.

Inequality makes everyone unhappy the poor most of all and that is well within the remit of the state. More money gives less extra happiness the richer we get yet we are addicted to earning and spending more every year.

Live by this credo: have a little laugh at life and look around you for happiness instead of sadness. Laughter has always brought me out of unhappy situations.

There are people who can do all fine and heroic things but one - keep from telling their happiness to the unhappy.

It is not a lack of love but a lack of friendship that makes unhappy marriages.

How unhappy is he who cannot forgive himself.

Compassion is a call a demand of nature to relieve the unhappy as hunger is a natural call for food.

Not necessity not desire - no the love of power is the demon of men. Let them have everything - health food a place to live entertainment - they are and remain unhappy and low-spirited: for the demon waits and waits and will be satisfied.

Even when a person has all of life's comforts - good food good shelter a companion - he or she can still become unhappy when encountering a tragic situation.

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I thoroughly enjoyed working on Enemy of the State. Tony Scott is an important director and has an amazing ability to express himself and he doesn't do it in musical terms he does it in emotional terms. I got along really well with him.