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War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today.

I am in the present. I cannot know what tomorrow will bring forth. I can know only what the truth is for me today. That is what I am called upon to serve and I serve it in all lucidity.

There are new words now that excuse everybody. Give me the good old days of heroes and villains the people you can bravo or hiss. There was a truth to them that all the slick credulity of today cannot touch.

The lowest form of popular culture - lack of information misinformation disinformation and a contempt for the truth or the reality of most people's lives - has overrun real journalism. Today ordinary Americans are being stuffed with garbage.

Today I bent the truth to be kind and I have no regret for I am far surer of what is kind than I am of what is true.

We have to live today by what truth we can get today and be ready tomorrow to call it falsehood.

If I'd written all the truth I knew for the past ten years about 600 people - including me - would be rotting in prison cells from Rio to Seattle today. Absolute truth is a very rare and dangerous commodity in the context of professional journalism.

On the mountains of truth you can never climb in vain: either you will reach a point higher up today or you will be training your powers so that you will be able to climb higher tomorrow.

We have an opportunity but we have an obligation to senior citizens and to the younger people who are entering the workforce today to help ensure that they are going to be able to trust the government to have a workable program that benefits them as well.

The Social Security trust fund is in pretty good shape today and we should not embark upon risky dangerous schemes which will in fact undermine Social Security such as privatization.