Search For throwing In Quotes 35

The Queen of Crafts herself Martha Stewart and I have the same birthday. I prefer to think it's the glue-gun wielding perfect-tart-producing Martha and not the copper pan-throwing jail-going Martha. But I suppose if I am going to share a calendar square with some of Martha I have to share it with all of Martha.

Football is my profession now. I'm getting married in August... It's a new experience for me as someone just getting out of college. I still have the same attitude about football I always had. I play hard. I enjoy practice. I'd rather be throwing in passing drills than sitting around and watching TV.

Holding on to anger is like grasping a hot coal with the intent of throwing it at someone else you are the one who gets burned.

I'm throwing myself back in because I like being married. I don't want to end this whole fabulous journey alone. I want someone by my side who I love and who loves me. I've finally found somebody who's up to the task of being my wife because I'm very high maintenance.

You are never so alone as when you are ill on stage. The most nightmarish feeling in the world is suddenly to feel like throwing up in front of four thousand people.