Search For tennis In Quotes 61

Well immediately we announced yesterday or the day before we're building with my foundation a youth tennis and learning center in Austin. I'd like to be hands on with that and not see it periodically.

Tennis was always sort of a - a learning. It was a vehicle for me to discover a lot about myself. And the things that I sort of discovered at times I not only didn't want to see it for myself but I certainly didn't want millions of people to see it.

My father had never watched tennis never liked tennis too much. He said 'OK we buy a racket we watch together ' because we didn't know anything. It was a process of learning together that made it more interesting.

It's a pity that the tennis is really going down the drain. Every year it's getting worse and worse and worse. There has to be a radical change and I hope it will be really soon.

Men can have a huge turnover of sponsorship and still survive a lot better than the women. But the women's ratings are better at least at home in the United States than in the men's tennis.

A great tennis career is something that a 15-year-old normally doesn't have. I hope my example helps other teens believe they can accomplish things they never thought possible.

The depressing thing about tennis is that no matter how good I get I'll never be as good as a wall.

My hobbies are cooking and gardening especially growing orchids. I love soccer my husband and I support a British team called Chelsea and I also enjoy tennis. We have 3 cats.

Once in a while I'll get moved to do some exercise. It's something I long for but the biggest problem is bending down and putting my tennis shoes on. Once I go out I'm OK.

There is a fear of emotion in tennis.