Search For surrender In Quotes 41

There is no word for feeling nostalgic about the future but that's what a parent's tears often are a nostalgia for something that has not yet occurred. They are the pain of hope the helplessness of hope and finally the surrender to hope.

To be able to love and live in freedom means to be able to make godly decisions. To make godly decisions we have to surrender our egos and all the falsity and shame that goes with it.

Shall I tell you what the real evil is? To cringe to the things that are called evils to surrender to them our freedom in defiance of which we ought to face any suffering.

The path we have chosen for the present is full of hazards as all paths are. The cost of freedom is always high but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose and that is the path of surrender or submission.

The cost of freedom is always high but Americans have always paid it. And one path we shall never choose and that is the path of surrender or submission.

I get 0.5 seconds to react to a ball sometimes even less than that. I can't be thinking of what XYZ has said about me. I need to surrender myself to my natural instincts. My subconscious mind knows exactly what to do. It is trained to react. At home my family doesn't discuss media coverage.

We can escape the commonplace only by manipulating it controlling it thrusting it into our dreams or surrendering it to the free play of our subjectivity.

The permanent temptation of life is to confuse dreams with reality. The permanent defeat of life comes when dreams are surrendered to reality.

No one should negotiate their dreams. Dreams must be free to fly high. No government no legislature has a right to limit your dreams. You should never agree to surrender your dreams.

It is better to risk starving to death then surrender. If you give up on your dreams what's left?