Search For stems In Quotes 79

I had been here five years already training very hard learning about the systems the shuttle the station systems. But everything really became real when I started to work with them.

No phenomenon can be isolated but has repercussions through every aspect of our lives. We are learning that we are a fundamental part of nature's ecosystems.

When David Marr at MIT moved into computer vision he generated a lot of excitement but he hit up against the problem of knowledge representation he had no good representations for knowledge in his vision systems.

This crisis exposed very significant problems in the financial systems of the United States and some other major economies. Innovation got too far out in front of the knowledge of risk.

While many hackers have the knowledge skills and tools to attack computer systems they generally lack the motivation to cause violence or severe economic or social harm.

Building technical systems involves a lot of hard work and specialized knowledge: languages and protocols coding and debugging testing and refactoring.

Since September 11th Congress has created the Department of Homeland Security more than doubled the homeland security budget and implemented a bipartisan overhaul of our intelligence systems.

It's a different outlook and one that I understand. When you are a former member of the Warsaw Pact when you have lived behind the Berlin Wall when you have experienced the communist systems that existed in these countries for them the West represents hope.

Everyone knows that exercise can improve your health. Exercise is a key part of managing your weight and maintaining healthy hearts lungs and other bodily systems. But did you know that exercise can make you more productive? The latest research shows that a regular exercise routine can make you happier smarter and more energetic.

It is imperative for the health and safety of millions of workers that we ensure that breathing systems needed for protection are widely available convenient and economical.