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I'm going to do a lot of weird stuff that's not going to be like me prancing around like an insane 12-year-old. I showed everybody that side of me and I think it's time to do different stuff even when it comes down to the type of humor. I want to do some drier weirder stuff.

Imagine if you had baseball cards that showed all the performance stats for your people: batting averages home runs errors ERAs win/loss records. You could see what they did well and poorly and call on the right people to play the right positions in a very transparent way.

For over 30 years the IRA showed that the British government could not rule Ireland on its own terms.

In 1998 Artnet was the site that convinced me that if my writing didn't exist online it didn't exist at all. It showed me criticism's future.

The key to making healthy decisions is to respect your future self. Honor him or her. Treat him or her like you would treat a friend or a loved one. A Stanford study showed that those who saw a photo of their future self made smarter financial decisions.

I fear God never showed mercy to one so vile as I.

Christianity is not the faith of the complacent the comfortable or of the timid. It demands and creates heroic souls like Wesley Wilberforce Bonhoeffer John Paul the Second and Billy Graham. Each showed in their own way the relentless and powerful influence of the message of Jesus Christ.

Experience taught me that working families are often just one pay check away from economic disaster. And it showed me first-hand the importance of every family having access to good health care.

I emphasize... that the Harrimans showed great courage and loyalty and confidence in us because three or four of us were really running the business the day to day business.

I can't be a hypocrite as a coach because as a player that's what I wanted. I wanted feedback I wanted communication from the boss. I showed up for work you can yell at me if you want but I want input. So that's the kind of coach I want to be.

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When you meet someone new who instantly gets you your sense of humor and your attitudes and your worldview even if theirs are different - and you get them in return. You both talk and talk and agree and laugh and nod and yes yes of course you should get another round of drinks.