Search For senate In Quotes 38

I thought if anyone need a leg up it was our foster children. So I started getting involved in education reform and that was back in 1998. And as a result of all the reform work that I had done people urged me to run for the Minnesota state Senate. I did I was there for six years.

Tonight you are hearing from the Democratic women of the Senate... We stand together on so many issues: economic prosperity quality education for all protecting a woman's right to choose.

The Oval Office symbolizes... the Constitution the hopes and dreams and I'm going to say democracy. And when you have a dress code in the Supreme Court and a dress code on the floor of the Senate floor of the House I think it's appropriate to have an expectation that there will be a dress code that respects the office of the President.

When my mom ran for the Senate my dad was there for her every step of the way. I can still hear her saying in her beautiful voice 'Why should women have any less say than men about the great decisions facing our nation?'

I've decided to run for the U.S. Senate because I believe Wisconsin families need a senator who will work hard to deliver results for the middle class - a leader with the courage to do what's right no matter how tough the odds or how powerful the special interests we have to fight.

I admired Eugene McCarthy's courage and although I left his Senate staff after four years to accept a job as the researcher on the editorial page of the 'Washington Post ' I remained an admirer.

I really think the Patriot Act violates our Constitution. It was it is an illegal act. The Congress the Senate and the president cannot change the Constitution.

Violence is a problem we all want to solve. I want to make sure that kids learn to deal with anger by learning how to talk with people to solve problems. Here in the United States Senate I want to make sure we have safe schools safe neighborhoods and good things for kids to do after school!