Search For seemed In Quotes 98

When she had passed it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music.

I came into music just because I wanted the bread. It's true. I looked around and this seemed like the only way I was going to get the kind of bread I wanted.

Kubrick's vision seemed to be that humans are doomed whereas Clarke's is that humans are moving on to a better stage of evolution.

I loved the movies and I wanted to be like Marilyn Monroe. I thought she was so glamorous and everyone seemed to love her. I wanted to be like that and I told everyone I would be the next Marilyn Monroe.

Among the New Hollanders whom we were thus engaged with there was one who by his appearance and carriage as well in the morning as this afternoon seemed to be the chief of them and a kind of prince or captain among them.

As soon as I began it seemed impossible to write fast enough - I wrote faster than I would write a letter - two thousand to three thousand words in a morning and I cannot help it.

It was morning through the high window I saw the pure bright blue of the sky as it hovered cheerfully over the long roofs of the neighboring houses. It too seemed full of joy as if it had special plans and had put on its finest clothes for the occasion.

This morning I went to wipe my hands on a tea towel and while I was using it it seemed like it felt a bit light. I unfolded it and realized my daughter had cut little bits out of it to make frocks for her dolls!

It was a splendid summer morning and it seemed as if nothing could go wrong.

My brother Trevor is theatrically trained. I used to watch him when I was younger and I was in love with it. It just seemed really fun to be someone else. So I begged my mom she was hesitant but she eventually allowed me. And it turned out well I guess.