Search For satisfaction In Quotes 67

Experienced happiness refers to your feelings to how happy you are as you live your life. In contrast the satisfaction of the remembering self refers to your feelings when you think about your life.

Happiness or satisfaction consists only in the enjoyment of those objects which are by nature suited to our several particular appetites passions and affections.

Every man judges his own happiness and satisfaction with life in terms of his possession or lack of possession of those things that he considers worthwhile and valuable.

We are built to conquer environment solve problems achieve goals and we find no real satisfaction or happiness in life without obstacles to conquer and goals to achieve.

Although the skills aren't hard to learn finding the happiness and finding the satisfaction and finding fulfillment in continuously serving somebody else something good to eat is what makes a really good restaurant.

What we call happiness in the strictest sense comes from the (preferably sudden) satisfaction of needs which have been dammed up to a high degree.

Life is essentially a cheat and its conditions are those of defeat the redeeming things are not happiness and pleasure but the deeper satisfactions that come out of struggle.

Satisfaction of one's curiosity is one of the greatest sources of happiness in life.

Happiness includes chiefly the idea of satisfaction after full honest effort. No one can possibly be satisfied and no one can be happy who feels that in some paramount affairs he failed to take up the challenge of life.

So Bush certainly wasn't the greatest and Obama has not done the job. And he's created a lot of disincentive. He's created a lot of great dissatisfaction. Regulations and regulatory is going through the roof. It's almost impossible to get anything done in the country.