Search For rough In Quotes 1696

But what of black women?... I most sincerely doubt if any other race of women could have brought its fineness up through so devilish a fire.

What could be more lonely than to be enveloped in silence to be the last of your people to speak your native tongue to have no way to pass on the wisdom of the elders to anticipate the promise of the children. This tragic fate is indeed the plight of someone somewhere roughly every two weeks.

But in its final creation it was not the part of the Father's power to fail as though exhausted. It was not the part of His wisdom to waver in a needful matter through poverty of counsel.

Mainstream media tend to just mouth the conventional wisdom to see everything through the filter of right and left.

Every journey that is successful has culs-de-sac and speed bumps. I carry a wisdom gene through my life through the good the bad and the ugly.

Spend time reflecting on your emotional and physical existence and how that applies to the voice. You have to apply that wisdom and experience when you sing - it's what comes through.

However great an evil immorality may be we must not forget that it is not without its beneficial consequences. It is only through extremes that men can arrive at the middle path of wisdom and virtue.

Doubt is the vestibule through which all must pass before they can enter into the temple of wisdom.

Wisdom is that apprehension of heavenly things to which the spirit rises through love.

Virtues are acquired through endeavor which rests wholly upon yourself.